Our Commitment to You

Our Commitment

Our goal is to put a smile on your face by making hats from the most environmentally materials we can find. This means we often pay higher prices to build our hats. We stay competitive by using energy wisely and simplifying our operation. When you start a business from extremely humble beginnings you learn what is absolutely necessary to stay in business. Understanding the basic principal of not needing excess to keep our business afloat has given us the necessary tools to successfully peruse environmentally conscious goals.

Our aim is to only work with suppliers who treat their employees fairly and offer a living wage and healthy working environment. Your purchase makes a difference. As our business grows, we have more influence with the companies we choose to partner with. Doing the right thing isn’t always easy, but we are happy to accept the challenge of improving and understanding how our business affects the world we live in. Please share your ideas, encouragement, even constructive criticism, anything you think will help move Conner Hats in the right direction. Please contact us at [email protected]